Book: Luke

00:00-02:38 Scripture read by Nancy Graham

02:39-20:44  Sermon by Lisi Schröttner
00:00 Scripture - Psalm 88 and 2 Corinthians 5:1-5
03:12 Sermon - Mark Hensman: The Mysterious Space Between Death and Life: Reflections of a Hospice Chaplain
24:47 end
00:00 - Scripture: Psalm 148
02:03 - Sermon: Reading Nature in the Psalms, Laurel Dykstra, priest at Salal + Cedar Watershed Discipleship Community,, Anglican Diocese of New Westminster.
21:03 - end
00:00-02:25 Scripture read by Carolyn Couillard

02:26-16:35 Sermon by Monica McKinlay
00:00-02:12 Scripture read by Edmund Milley

02:13-19:50 Sermon by Monica McKinlay
00:00 - Scripture: Romans 12:9-21
02:20 - Sermon: Overcome Evil with Good, Monica McKinlay, includes interview with Aaron Peat (Kits Cares Cafe) starting at 14:30
22:27 - end
00:00 - Scripture: Matthew 9:35-10:1
01:05 - Sermon: Creator Sets Free, Monica McKinlay
10:14 - Interview with Luke and Madeline
26:20 - Prayer, Monica
29:17 - end


May 28, 2023
00:00-02:59 Scripture read by Hormus Karat

03:00-22:12 Sermon by John Lunn
00:00 - Scripture: Colossians 3:1-17
02:54 - Sermon: Monica McKinlay, "Putting on the New Spring Jacket"
18:46 - end
00:00 - Scripture: Colossians 2:6-19
02:05 - Sermon: Identity in Christ, Lisi Schrottner
23:54 - end

Sunday Mornings

Pre-service prayer: 8:55am

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Service: 9:20am
Now meeting In-person and Online

Join via zoom at link below!!

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Join by phone: (778) 907-2071
Meeting ID: 883 5651 5154#, followed by another #
Password: 591075