Book: Mark

00:00-02:24 Scripture read by Mimosa Bryant

02:25-16:30 Sermon by Monica McKinlay
00:00-03:44 Scripture read by Edmund Milley

03:45-19:12 Sermon by Lisi Schröttner
00:00-03:36 Scripture read by Bernadette D'Silva

03:37-21:21 Sermon by Monica McKinlay
In the series At This Time Monday: Rethinking Work

00:00 - Scripture: Genesis 3:8-24, 12:1-3
03:22 - Sermon: Restorative Blessing, Monica McKinlay
29:46 - end
In the series At This Time Monday: Rethinking Work.

00:00 - Scripture: Genesis 2:2-25
02:40 - Sermon: Creation Goodness, Monica McKinlay
28:00 - end
00:00-04:37 Scripture read by Nancy Graham

04:38-19:50 Sermon by Monica McKinlay
00:00-o2:07 Scripture read by Malcolm McKinlay

02:08-28:39 Sermon by Monica McKinlay
00:00-01:38 Scripture read by Melanie Klintworth

01:39-17:45 Sermon by Monica McKinlay
00:00 - Scripture: Deuteronomy 30:11-20
02:54 - Sermon: Choose Life! The Way of Wisdom.  Lisi Schrottner
27:16 - end
00:00 Scripture: Psalm 31:1-24
02:52: Sermon: Sleeping with Bread, Lois Klassen
20:57: end

link to the Nap Ministry, (Tricia Hersey: Rest is Resistance: )

Sunday Mornings

Pre-service prayer: 8:55am

— OR —
Join by phone: (778) 907-2071
Meeting ID: 827 2187 3760#, followed by another #
Password: 8Y5J9M

Service: 9:20am
Now meeting In-person and Online

Join via zoom at link below!!

— OR —
Join by phone: (778) 907-2071
Meeting ID: 883 5651 5154#, followed by another #
Password: 591075